Yayy! My husband birthday today.
12 January 1993. A boy have been born to be a STAR in future. Please don't change yourself to a man. You're still Bradford Badboi and still 18 y/o to me. I love you, even thought you fucking didn't know i'm exist. Thanks for make my life happy as fuck and ofcourse every Directioner too. Thanks for born in this world. Thanks being near with my life although it just virtual near. I wish you have a blast birthday and i pray Allah may give you guidance to be in the right path, back to your religion, Islam. I wish you'll be good enough being a Muslim soon. I know you hate when someone talk about your religion. I don't care. I just want you to be in right path. Ah my emotion. :'( Ah actually tak tahu pun nak tulis apa pun for birthday dia. Dah cukup di twitter aku spam mention diaa and aku rasa dia takkan baca. Nak nak aku tulis kat sini, tak mungkin dia akan baca. Bla bla bla.
Nak tulis tu ja kot :( Tak de idea. Bye. xoxo♥