August 31, 2017

♥ Syllabus.

Yeay tumpang aku free malam ni, walaupun assignment boleh tahan meninggi atas meja tu. Takpe, lek jup. Kalut kalut nak pi mana? Meh sini rapat rapat, aku cerita bab subject subject yang aku or korg yg bakal masuk sini akan hadapi time ambil Diploma in Pharmacy ni. Take note, this syllabus might be different dengan university university lain. Ade sorang kawan aku, dia dah pernah masuk diploma farmasi ni dekat Uni lain, dia kata syllabus dia lain sikit. Like biology and chemistry, dekat Uni dia, dorg campurkan skali jadi Biochem. Tapi kat sini, KSKBSAS, nope, you'll have both. Biology and Chemistry. Tapi untuk semester satu and dua je, nanti dah naik semester seterusnya, dah takde.  So yup, here aku listkan subject-subjectnya. From semester 1 until 6. Ha ni dia berkat aku fokus dalam taklimat sebelum mula sesi pembelajaran haritu. Kahkah. 

1. farmaseutik 1
2. farmaseutik 2
3. kimia asas 1
4. biologi asas 1
5. Fisiologi asas
6. Mathematic (Addmath form4 & 5)
7. English (takde exam)
Vacation posting (one week : klinik)

1. Kimia asas 2
2. Farmakologi 1
3. Farmakologi 2
4. Farmaseutik 3
5. Sains Tingkahlaku
6. Amalan farmasi
7. Mikrobiologi asas
8. English (takde exam)
Vacation posting (two weeks : hospital)

1. Farmaseutik 4
2. Farmaseutik 5
3. Farmakologi 3
4. Farmakologi 4
5. Farmakologi 5
6. Kaedah penyelidikan
7. Kemahiran teknologi farmasi
8. Keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan
9. English

1. Amalan farmasi 1 (pesakit luar)
2. Amalan farmasi 2 ( praktis farmaseutik, klinikal & stor)

1. Amalan farmasi 3 (pesakit dalam)
2. Amalan farmasi 4 (klinik kesihatan)

1. Pengurusan Am
2. Analisis Kimia farmaseutik
3. Kaedah penyelidikkan 2
4. Pengenalan mikrobiologi farmasi
5. pembangunan dan kesihatan

Koranf akan blajar semua subject di atas guna Bahasa Melayu. T_T Untuk aku, its quite hard, sebab aku dari darjah 1 pakai English. Bila masuk je term malay, slalu aku suruh lect translate jadi english. Then baru aku boleh recall balik. Kahkah. Ade jugak in dorg ajar in english, in notes bercampur BM, BI. Even buku rujukan yang dibeli and dekat perpustakaan pun banyak dalam English. Dont worry. Bajet mat salleh eh korg. Haha. and one more, if korg takde basic pure science tu kena struggle sikit la. Kena rajin tanya. Tanya kawan kawan yang dah ade basic tu. Tapi aku rasa, boleh je kut korg score kalau betul betul give attention in class. Lect takde la ajar laju sangat and takde la ajar slow sangat. Ok ok je! Yeay! 

so, aku and korg akan go through dua exam. Satu pertengahan, and one more final. Markah dia ada terbahagi kepada percent percent. Aku malas nk cerita detail nak mampus kat sini. Tapi, untuk English, walaupun takde exam, korg tetap kena lulus. Markah dia untuk nak lulus tu, based on pemerhatian dalam class, contohnya macam marks korang for presentation, or assignment and so on. Weeee, So i hope this will help someone! Hehe ^^ See you when i see you. Adios. 

June 19, 2017


Image result for girl hiking tumblr

Eh, hello there.
Its been a while. Nah, its been fucking years right? how i miss writing.

"I wish i could fading away. With no one will notice, with no one will know about my disappearance, with no one will ever care. I just want to being born again. Fix my mistake. Fit the path that i take. Fix everything that make me feel that im a freaking useless.
Im not saying that im giving up. But life just too hard for me to being strong. I need more than strong to get through this. Theres alot of things getting in my way. Theres alot of wall that i need to break. I cant. Every single thing is getting harder and harder. Sometime i wonder, am i in the wrong path? Am i doing the right things? am i okay? Why im still doing this?"

Paragraph above was from my entry back then in 2015. Before i do this entry, aku scroll back to my previous entry and i was like daaaaaaaaaaaamn my writing was so good???? why now macam tahik? Ohoy, how i misssss writing. so much. I miss how i can interpret my feeling into word, how i am be able to write and feel so damn okay after that. Aku rasa that skill dah lama terkubur selepas aku quit UiTM. Hahaha. Theres a quote yang aku baca kat mana tah, its sound like this;

"Some write because it helps them to sort out their feelings. Some have a story to tell. And some write because nothing in the world makes them happier" 

And i think that quote answer everything. How "good" was my sad in life back then until aku dapat tulis something quite good like that? Kah. Apakah seorang Hana pada masa dahulu? What was on her mind? Like seriously? 

Okay, back to the paragraph that i copy and paste here,
today, in this freaking hour. Aku rasa aku dalam medium deja-vu. What i feel right now is quite same like how i felt on 25 November 2015. Dan semestinya, why im feeling this way is not about what im having now. im very, not very but totally happy with apa yang aku ada sekarang. Apa yang aku achieve sekarang. Im doing good with my study. i fulfill all of my wishes. and i think its all good? But yeah, its feel something is very wrong somewhere.

I think i have to do some re-checking, upgrading and re-packing how i live my life. Fix some mistake. yes. Fix that mistake. I have to. Before its too late. Adios.